I'll bring with me my "Meze Rai Penta" during Laura Pausini's world tour to have always a clear and faithful listening.
Born in Rome he spent his studies of composition at the State Conservatory of Music “Santa Cecilia. His career started playing live with the Italian singer-songwriter Federica Carta for whom he produced some singles from her “top-five albums” released by Universal Music Group Italy. At the same time, YB has worked for the Italian television with Tiziano Ferro (Virgin Music) and for radio events with Jasmine Thompson (Atlantic Records); In 2019 joins the band of two times “Latin Grammy Award Winner” Laura Pausini playing live keyboards in the tour “Laura-Biagio Stadium 2019”. In the past two years, he worked as a composer for some Italian movie productions and after his success as a musician, he is completely dedicated to film music compositions and live tours. Between 2023 and 2024 he will play live all around the world for the next Laura Pausini’s World Tour..

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