Nahre Sol

Nahre Sol

I enjoy using the 99 Classics because of how well-balanced the sound is, and how comfortable it is to wear. I listen to music pretty much all day, so it helps to have a pair of headphones that is not fatiguing to the ears, and that sounds very full and resonant.

Nahre Sol is an artist who performs, composes and teaches an eclectic mixture of music, one that draws from aspects of improvisation, the avant-garde, traditional Western forms and harmony, jazz, and minimalism. She is the co-host of PBS Digital Studios show "Sound Field" and creates educational videos on Youtube that distill her distinct perspective as a classically-trained pianist with an insatiable appetite for new ideas about music theory, harmony, practicing, and composition. She received her training at The Juilliard School, Royal Conservatory of Music (Toronto), and has studied in Paris as a Harriett Hale Woolley Grant Recipient.


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