

" After first listening music through Meze headphones , a need to re-listen everything i've ever enjoyed emerged, i knew i would enjoy it twice as much this time. They are by far the best piece of headphones I have ever used. "

Allochiria is a post-sludge band from Athens, Greece. They were formed in 2008, and
they released a self-titled EP in 2010. On January 2014, they released their first fulllength
album, entitled “Omonoia”.
On December 2016 Allochiria joined forces with the Art of Propaganda record label,
which released the band’s second album entitled “Throes” on March 2017.
Allochiria has shared the stage with Deafheaven, Year of No Light, Altar of Plagues
and more. The band has performed in Rockstadt Extreme Music Festival in Rasnov,
Romania on August 2014 and, together with Ryvulet from Berlin, had its first
European tour on March 2015.
Their music is often linked to Neurosis, ISIS, Amenra and Cult of Luna, and its theme
deals with man as a social being, the corruption that defines him in modern societies,
his vain struggles, painful routine and the effect this has in the world around him.


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